Welcome Centre

Welcome Centre Team | UNIL welcome procedure | Welcome Centre services

Welcome Centre Team

Felix Imhof © UNIL

The UNIL Welcome Centre operates as a coordination unit for the various administrative services and faculties, all involved in welcoming new arrivals.

UNIL welcome procedure

The typical welcome procedure for a new employee is as follows: 

  1. Welcome in one of the seven faculties where colleagues and the secretariat will support the new employee in the various actions which need to be taken 
  2. Employees with a UNIL contract are supported by the Human Resources Department on all questions related to their recruitment (taxes, work permits, pay, social security contributions, family allowances etc.)

Visitors who do not have a contract with UNIL are supported by the Welcome Centre in the administrative actions they need to take.

The Welcome Centre provides a great deal of information and many resources on its website. It is always available to answer your questions.

Welcome Centre services

Target group

The Welcome Centre offers information to support for: 

  • Visiting researchers and professors invited by UNIL institutes or faculties for a limited period (i.e. those neither enrolled at nor employed by UNIL);
  • Members of staff coming from abroad hired for a permanent job position. 


The Welcome Centre can offer you support in the following areas: 

  • Assistance with external administrative procedures (for example: obtaining a visa or registering with the relevant authorities);
  • Assistance with internal administrative procedures working with the UNIL Human Resources Department;
  • Assistance with your search for accommodation; 
  • Provision of useful information about UNIL, Lausanne and the region;
  • Provision of information about French classes within and external to UNIL;
  • Support for couples with dual careers.

We also organise social events to facilitate the integration of members of the UNIL community. 

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Step by our office !

We would be delighted to welcome you in our office, situated on campus, in the Château de Dorigny!
To be sure to find us on site we advise you to make an appointment. 


Welcome Centre

Mrs Salomé Evard

Mrs Marcelina Klaus Gaillard

Mrs Wesselia Ngoenha

Tel. +41 21 692 60 27


The Human Resources Department

The HR Departement is available to answer employes' questions. Do not hesitate to contact them

Château de Dorigny  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 60 27
Fax +41 21 692 20 05